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Introduction to CAB
Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB), a non-govt. non-political and non-profit voluntary consumer organization, was founded in February, 1978 at the initiation of some dedicated residents in Dhaka who were imbued with the ideas of consumerism, a movement that already took shape in many advanced countries in Europe and America. Primarily started as a social group to protect consumers from commodity adulteration and artificial price-hike it has gradually widened its scope to establish and safeguard consumers’ rights and interests in social, economic, health and environmental issues.
Mission of CAB
To make people aware of their rights and responsibilities as consumers and motivate them to be active and vocal against violation of those rights.
Vision of CAB
Rights of consumers are established and ensured.
Browse All Activities
Consumer Rights Protection
Consumer Rights Protection Act 2009 had been the most commendable achievement of CAB over the period.
Food Safety
Food contamination and food adulteration situation of Bangladesh is a serious public health concern.
Campaign against Tobacco
Since 1981, CAB has been campaigning against production and marketing of tobacco.
Market Price Monitoring
Consumer Rights Protection Act 2009 had been the most commendable achievement of CAB over the period.
CAB in cooperation with USAID organized a series of training orientation program on energy conservation and regulation for CAB divisional and district committee leaders during 2007-2008.
Product Testing
Testing of products of common use is one of the routine activities of CAB and is done with a view to make the consumers aware and conscious of the standard and quality of products they consume.

Consumer Complaint
CAB runs a Complaint Cell to receive and document complaints and grievances from the aggrieved consumers related to violation of their rights and interests involved in the purchase and use of commodities and services.